Texture types added in

<#1842#>gradient<#1842#> <#1843#>surf1<#1843#> <#1844#>surf2<#1844#> [<#1845#>GradShape<#1845#>] [<#1846#>start stop<#1846#>] [<#1847#>GradType<#1847#>] [<#1848#>random<#1848#>]

This texture blends two surfaces between two shapes in space. The default is to blend between two planes, starting a z = 0 and stoping at z = 1. The default is a linear blend between planes so that at z = .75 the surface will be #math198#.25*surf1 + .75*surf2.

The <#902#>GradShape<#902#> option specifies the ``shape'' of the volume to which the texture will be applied. <#903#>planar<#903#> (the default) designates that the blend will be between two planes perpendicular to z axis. <#904#>radial<#904#> designates that the blend will be between two cylinders parralel to the z axis. <#905#>spherical<#905#> designates that the blend will be between two spheres centered at the origin.

<#906#>start<#906#> and <#907#>stop<#907#> define the starting and stoping distances for the gradient. For the planar designation, the gradient will be applied from the z = start to the z = stop planes. For the radial designation, the gradient will be applied from the cyliners r = start to r = stop where r equals the distance from the z axis. For the spherical designation, the gradient will be applied for the spheres r = start to r = stop where r equals the distance from the origin.

<#908#>GradType<#908#> specifies the type of blend. <#909#>planar<#909#> (the default) will produce a linear blend between the two surfaces. <#910#>log<#910#> will produce a logarithmic looking blend where the first surface is quickly changed to the second. <#911#>revlog<#911#> will produce the opposite of ``log'' and will slowly change the first surface to the second.

<#912#>random<#912#> produces a blotchy gradient texture that is similar to the <#913#>blotch<#913#> texture.

Any comments, bug reports, or suggestions for changes or improvements will be greatly appreciated.

This addition was provided by Larry Coffin